Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Too Much Ado About Nothing!!

A few days back I was reading newspaper & what hit me on the face when I opened the front page was its headline, "King Khan Questioned on Newyork Airport", screamed the frontpage, soon the whole country was talking about the injustice done to the Emperor of bollywood. What everybody conveniently decided to overlook or forgot was a few days back in our own country one of the most prominent person than Mr. Khan our own Ex-president had been frisked & searched like a commoner, nobody raised even an eyebrow, except some low-pitched murmers from news channels that are self imposed guardians of democracy, & a few newspapers' inside columns.

The question that frequently haunts me is, Are these so called celebs are that important to our national image or prestiege that we jump up & down whenever an inconvenience is caused to them however minor, even if it includes a traffic jam or some press misbehavior, we gossip & grunt over it as if it is vital to our being, but here an important man who contributed to the growth of our nation is searched & frisked like any other common passenger & he just shrugs & moves on like any normal person would do, there is where his greatness lies.

Shahrukh Khan did not show his greatness or the power he wields over Indian society & politics by calling out an outright press conference over the injustice that was done to him in The US, it was just his inflated ego & shallow mindedness with which he can think that he actually controls the nation. It was actually the greatness of Mr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam that made him play down the incident in a nation that is arrested by the mindset where celebrities & VIPs are held next to God the almighty.

We forget that they are humans & hence are mortals, & therefore should be treated with a sense of equity, if we fail to do this we are placing them on a pedestal & when they fail to keep up to that divine image we slander them & try to pull them down which is another exterem that should be avoided. They should be treated like all others, made to follow the queue, wait for their turn, pay their taxes prudently, punished when in wrong like all other common rule breakers, & over all they should be made to stop taking the country, the society its rules, the Govt. & our constitution for granted.

So Mr. Shahrukh; Go, Get a Life!!