Thursday, April 2, 2009

Moral Policing : Do we really need it??

Moral policing is a newly coined phrase for our politicians & for our society too. It has been hardly seven or eight years since the first very violent incidents started such as; Beating, threatening & looting up flower shops prior to or on Valentine's Day, forcefully closing up card shops, gift shops & restaurants, or breaking & entering there forcefully, resulting in loss of property & creating a racket.
Now it has turned into threatening kids on buses, beating up peope on the streets unnecessarily, raiding discos & pubs & molesting girls in the name of cultural policing, even supposed forceful marriages on valentine's day.
The question is, 'Do we really need this hyped nonsense about saving our culture, or is this just a cheap publicity stunt because elections are near?'
What are we trying to prove to the world that India is not even safe for their own youth, then how can we warrant a peaceful atmosphere for our guests from abroad? Have we not suffered enough because of the terror attacks & communal differences created by peope outside & in our country. We have more important issues to think on than the utter nonsense of moral policing.
If some so called torch bearers of Indian culture think that by beating up people & harassing the society they are doing a service to our country then it simply shows hom immature their ways are. What are they going to achieve by this hate campaign? If anything they are driving the youth further away from our culture. The modern youth is inqusitive & curious as well as aware of their rights. They cannot be threatened or bribed into anythnig. We should understan that our culture will not get hurt by wearing western clothes or listening to pop music, everything is going global. When our music, dance & art is being appreciated everywhere then will it hurt if we do the same here by appreciating theirs. If doing such acts is hurting our culture then our movies, TV serials, novels of foreign authors, english papers & channels & even western clothes for men should be banned.
But think carefully are we actually living in a democracy or is this a self imposed autocracy by a handful of fanatic people. Everything has its place in today's world & every coin has two facets. We should take the good & leave the bad. These organizations can actually help by starting an awareness campaign, a fest or seminars on our culture, where our epics, litertature, ancient culture, vedas & heritage can be discussed & explained through creative discussion by people who have a knowledge of these things. They should try to protect our contry's heritage cities & buildings & ensure a clean & pollution free atmosphere around the country. Not just them but it is even our duty to do so.
Culture cannot be saved in one day, traditions should be a part of our daily life, it should be preserved in our rituals, imbibed in the living since childhood. It cannot be forced upon also it cannot be destroyed since that is how our culture is practiced across the country, we can look western in our appearences but we cannot abandon it from our hearts. As they say, "you can take an Indian out of India, but you cannot take out India out of an Indian." This is how we are all brought up & we are too proud to leave it in unsafe hands or abandon it for that matter.
If only our leaders would concentrate on the broader vision of Indian culture which is made up of heritage cities, vedic literature and which teaches peace & harmony among people, the Pink Chaddi Campaign wouldn't have been needed at all.

1 comment:

  1. Really need to think seriously on tis...Put tis link in face book too..
