Thursday, November 26, 2009


“Sometimes even a shining day spells darkness,
Sometimes there is no light at the end of the tunnel,
Sometimes the path remains foggy even in the blinding sun,
Those are the times when we know that truthfulness is being mortgaged;
Oh yes, this is the time when a lie is justified beyond all conscience
Alas! There is no silver lining to this cloud of injustice.”

Today I don’t know how to greet all of you who are reading this. I am writing after a long time since I was busy with my exams, but I chose to write today for a reason, today is that fateful day of Mumbai massacre, today is 26/11. A year ago the security of our country was compromised beyond all reasons & explanations, and this is not just about the security; this is about the injustice done to our country, its sovereignty, to the people & with the single minded cruelty with which it is done. Today I am not writing from reading any statistics of our govt, or the newspaper, today I write from my heart; which is aching with the pain being inflicted to the fellow people of my country.
Ok, let me ask a question, why on earth, are ‘WE’ silent, & by ‘WE’ I do not mean the govt, or the judicial system, the police or the media with all its yellow journalism glory. By ‘WE’ I mean we the people. Any country’s govt is as good as its citizens, so when we are keeping silence we have no right to blame the system. Our govt is embroiled in the cornucopia of judicial proceedings & the religious implications it might bring with it & has spent more than Rs. 30 crores of taxpayers hard earned money on the safety & life of that terrorist Kasab, just to bring ‘justice to him’, isn’t that a bad joke on the people who have been hurt physically & emotionally because of the siege on Mumbai. Do our so called protectors of the republic of India have ever stopped for just a second & thought about the pain they are causing with this heartless act on the families of the Mumbai Martyrs. No they don’t. So WE have to, because somebody has to do it, somebody has to stand up & speak for them, somebody has to stop thinking that the people who died were not Hindus or Muslims or Jews or Christians, they were not only Indians or Americans or British, they were humans, they had families, friends who loved them, cared for them & who they lost forever.

The big question that always bothers me is why are we being so complacent? Why are we not thinking about the people who have been wronged in this incident? Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan who was thoughtlessly compared to a dog by the esteemed politicians of this country, ACP Ashok Kamte, ATS Chief Hemant Karkare, ACP Vijay Salaskar, Assistant Sub Inspector Tukaram Ombale, have they died in vain? What have we done in the past one year, except accusing the system, the govt, the politicians, why did not we speak up in a more constructive way? Are some peace marches, some emotional speeches enough? Have we ever, just once in our entire lives, fought for justice, even in small ways? Look inside your souls, friends, tell me what do you find. What is the answer to my question?
Have you ever refused giving bribe to the authorities, tried to stop eve teasing, tried to stop rowdies from bullying & harassing innocent people. Have you ever tried to keep your city, your surroundings clean, tried to be a responsible citizens. May be to some extent we have done it, but then we have to take it to the next level. Atleast we the youth of India have to fight actively against injustices of all kinds at all levels.
And to our govt, I have a request, why is it scared of punishing a terrorist righteously. Why do you look at him through religious glasses. Why are u spending our hard earned money on his upkeep? Enough unjustice has been done already, are you testing our patience levels. When will this sham of a trial finish, are you waiting for another city to be attacked or will you wake up when there will be a repeat of the attack on parliament. I think nobody will object if he (Kasab) will be hanged, he is a terrorist & terrorism has no religion. When he fired randomly in CST there were muslims too who died there. No religion preaches terrorism, no God feasts on blood & gore of innocent people. Entire nation has seen him killing people & laughing at that time, he himself has accepted in his testimony, what conclusive evidence the judiciary & the govt needs to hang him.
If they are hoping that our Kind Neighbor is going to accept any responsibility, then Mr. Prime minister & his cabinet should think again. When I write this, I write it on behalf of all those Indians who are fed up of being just resilient, compassionate, generous & all that crap. We need protection for what we are paying taxes, we need fruitful action from the govt which is still weighing pros & cons from America & China. And if we won’t get it still then I think that a day will come when we will lose all faith on this democracy & judiciary and we will not be limited to just peace march, human chains; we will take it in our own hands & not leave it on the impotent & ineffective govt. which is hellbent on insulting our martyrs & their unconditional sacrifice.

I hope to God that the day should never come when the greatest democracy in this world will die a silent death in the clutches of terrorism without any protest.

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